Tag: model

It’s Nick 10 year anniversary with us!

It’s hard to believe that Nick has now been doing photos with us for a whole 10 years! We took these photos 10 years ago today! Where has the time gone?!?!?

The full set of these photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/doubles/nick-gordon/24-05-2009/

Kevin is here soon… So here are the ideas so far…

Kevin is here on the 17th March. So you are fast running out of time, to get posting your ideas…

Here are just some of the ideas so far…

  • Ball gag.
  • Cuffed between trees, arms outstretched while muzzled in a wetsuit.
  • Lycra.
  • More double photos…
  • Rubber chastity shorts.
  • Rubber!
  • Sleepsack, with the muzzle or rubber hood.
  • Wetsuit, muzzled in the waist cuffs.
  • Wetsuit, straitjacket + muzzle.

If you have any ideas, do comment on this post and we’re add them to the list.

Last Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle photos for a while…

Right here are the last photos of myself wearing the Padded Leather Muzzle photos for a while… Can only have so much of a good thing…

More photos from this set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/12-02-2019/