Next time, I’ve got some more money saved up… Thinking of getting the FETTERS Shrew’s Fiddle. What do you all think?!?!?
It’s Nick 10 year anniversary with us!
It’s hard to believe that Nick has now been doing photos with us for a whole 10 years! We took these photos 10 years ago today! Where has the time gone?!?!?
The full set of these photos can be found at
The price of the exclusive area is going up!
Just to let everyone know, that from the 1st June the price of the Wetsuitlads exclusive area is going up! The current price is £9. Which I do think, is great value for money. Since that’s a one-off payment.
But from the 1st June 2019. The price is going up £10 for Wetsuitlads exclusive area. Which, I still believe is great value for money! Over the years, the cost of running this website has gone up! And up till now, the cost to access the exclusive area has only gone up once!
So beat the small price raise and give money today!
Sign up at
First cycle in white Lycra of 2019
Yep since everyone keeps asking… I’ve been out cycling in white Lycra for the first time in 2019! Now the weather is much better, it will happen a lot more often!
Wait to see many more photos of myself in Lycra? Then do check out my main website –