Tag: O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit

Look back to when Matt was here last year!

Here is look back to when Matt was here last year! He had been due back in May…. But that was of course, before the world went mad! But still hoping to get him back before the year is out! 🙂

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit
2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit

Many more photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/matt-01/

Even more pup play at the old control tower

Having even more fun at some local woods, which also has an RAF old control tower. This time, I remembered to bring a pair of handcuffs with me!

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

Full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/16-12-2019/

Pup play at the old control tower

Having great fun at some local woods, which also has an RAF old control tower. Makes a great location for wearing the O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit, along with the pup hood.

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit + pup hood

Full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/16-12-2019/