Tag: rubber hood

Nick on this day, four years ago!

WOW! That was that four years ago! Think Nick was ahead of his time wearing the S10 gas mask! Sort of thing, we could all do with in 2021!!

Rubber suit + S10 gas mask

Rubber suit + S10 gas mask

Full set can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/nick-ho/07-02-2017/

Hope everyone has great fun at MRMX

Really hope that everyone has great fun at Manchester Rubbermen’s 10th Birthday Weekend, which takes place 11th – 14th April 2019.

Before you ask, no I am not, going! Big social groups, is not really my type of thing! Also getting to Manchester from here, takes, way, way to long! Oh and still don’t have a rubber suit…

P.S. If you are going, would be great if you could tell people about this website….

Many more rubber photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gear/rubber/

The latex hood is here!

So happy, the latex hood is here! It turned up on Saturday, but I was way to busy to open it, till today… Want to see vidoes of myself wearing it? Then check out the Wetsuitlads exclusive area.

Oh and Kevin is here, very soon indeed! He’s now booked his rail tickets… He will be the first person, other than myself to wear it! 🙂

Still waiting on my latex hood

I am still waiting on the latex hood, that I ordered on the 17th January 2019. They did say up to 6 weeks, so really hope, I get it soon!

Below are some photos of Nick, wearing the same hood, that I’ve ordered…


The hood, has been ordered!

Well that’s me just ordered the hood! I could take up to 6 weeks, but I don’t mind! I can’t wait!!! Now need to think of new photo ideas!

Oh and I, of need to thank everyone that giving money to this website, in the last number of days! Your money, has gone on getting this new hood! Of, course all the first new photos, will get posted to the Wetsuitlads exclusive area first!