Tag: story

Story : The Wetsuit Model – Part 2

Inspired by and set in the universe of WETSUIT SENTENCE by sj_one

Aidan sits in the back of the cruiser, his hands uncomfortably handcuffed behind his back and fully clad and locked in his PHI wetsuit. He can feel his sweat and the lube that got him into the suit coating his whole body and running down into his boots. He’s worried about the situation he is in, but also can’t help but feel turned on by the suit. He feels every bump in the road as the cruiser drives through the city and can hear the police chatter and codes over the radio. Finally, he hears the bobby radio in “10-95, I have a PHI awol-no information on the collar, looks like the subject wiped it. Return to the precinct to process?” After a brief pause, he hears an officer on the other end “10-74, negative on that. Return him to PHI processing, let them handle the paperwork” and he ends the communication with a simple “10-4.”

Part 2 is now on-line!

Public Humiliation Initiative… At Loch Lomond!!

Since the Public Humiliation Initiative. Since it was going to well, the government started to row up the idea UK wide!

So now anyone getting caught littering, will have to spend at least three days wearing rubber wetsuits. Of course, spend them days picking up litter!

If at any point in next year, they get caught littering again! They would need to spend at least 4 weeks, in rubber!

The idea for these suits come from www.wetsuitlads.co.uk/stories/wetsuit-sentence/