Just a mini update on what, I’ve been doing so far in 2022! Of course, to get my viewing figures up!! I am wearing my White Dunlop Wellington Boots along with the orca S2 wetsuit!
Vlog: New favourite gear
Wearing my new favourite gear, while speaking about what I’ve been doing with my week off!
Vlog: Apply for two jobs, get one interview!
Really pleased with myself, only applied for two jobs so far and get one interview. Doubt, I will get it. Just over the moon. I’ve got an interview! Other than job hunting been, doing lots of cycling and walking!Yes wearing a wetsuit…
Yes, not 100% Wetsuitlads related. Just wanted to give you, all an update, with what is going on in my life! I am wearing a wetsuit, so make sure you watch till the end!!
Vlog: First Wetsuitlads vlog of 2021
First Wetsuitlads vlog of 2021! Hoping to start doing these more often! Got any ideas, do let me know!
P.S. First ever video, I’ve done with the new Sony FDR-AX53 Ultra HD 4K Compact Camcorder. So still getting use to all the settings…
Vlog – 1 July 2020
First some bad news… Getting made redundant, after working at same place for 16 years! In better news, really getting them cycling and walking miles in! Also speak about walk 1000 miles.
Vlog – 1 June 2020
Sure most of you, are getting bored of myself, just standing in front of the camera and speaking! So here is something a bit new! Yes of course, you still get to see myself in Lycra! Let me know, what you think.
P.S. Yes my second vlog in 4K!