Tag: website

10th Anniversary to us!!

10th Anniversary to us! Can’t believe that Wetsuitlads has been live on Internet since 30th May 2003!!

Sorry I was hoping to do something for the 10th Anniversary!! But could not think of anything at all :(.

New website features!

We have just upgraded to the newest version of WordPress. Also at the same time, we upgraded to the latest theme version. Which let us add lots of new features :).

Here is a quick list of the new features.

  • Subscribe to Wetsuitlads via Email.
  • Notify me of follow-up comments by email.
  • Also added YouTube to the “Follow Us” list.

101,346 unique visitors this year :)

So happy. So far this year we’re had 101,346 unique visitors.  So a new record for us. Last year we only had 92,443 unique visitors.

Below are the statistics from 2007 to now.

  • 2011 – 101,346
  • 2010 – 92,443
  • 2009 – 93,699
  • 2008 – 81,611
  • 2007 – 71,429

Sad times

Looks like in just one week, two of my favourite website’s have gone off-line.  The first one being LycraKeen the website just now times out. I did contact him via facebook, but not heard anything back at all. The other website that is The Fixed Gear. Which says the following “So if you have noticed, the blog is currently placed on an indefinite hiatus. We’re currently moving on with our lives quite far away from the sport and the athletes.”

But in better news, this website is not going anywhere at all. I know last year, I came very close to pulling the plug on it. But since the website relaunch last month, we’re getting record hits :).

Oh if you follow us on twitter, you will have heard that Nick is coming back to do more photos very soon indeed. So if you have ideas for new photos, please contact me.

Hope you all enjoyed the webcam

I really hope that you got to enjoy the webcam while it was live today. So sorry if you missed it. Check out the post below, to see more photos from the webcam session. I will be posting more later on today…

If you want to know when the webcam is live, it’s best to follow us at twitter.com/wetsuitlads.