On This Day : 03/02/2012

On This Day back in 2012! I got put inside my Neoprene Sleepsack for the very first time! It was true bondage heaven.

Neoprene Sleepsack

Neoprene Sleepsack

More photos can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/03-02-2012/

Loving my new Boys Get Sad Too hoody!

Loving my new Boys Get Sad Too hoody! Get yours at boysgetsadtoo.com with 10% of profile donated to a mental health charity.

Boys Get Sad Too hoody

Boys Get Sad Too hoody

Boys Get Sad Too hoody

More can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/10-01-2025/

On This Day : 10/01/2022

On This Day back in 2022. Still in my top 5 favourite photos of myself! I get so turned on, looking at these photos and thinking back to that day…

More can be found at photos.wetsuitlads.co.uk/gordon-va/10-01-2022/

Story : Video Game Bet to Slavery

Here is another HOT story, I think you all need to check out. It’s called “Video Game Bet to Slavery

As we started playing I did my best to concentrate, but found myself continually distracted. Had I just been playing with my hands behind my back I probably would have been fine. I knew the controls well enough at any rate. But I was cuffed! Bound, and largely helpless! I couldn’t get over the weird tingling feeling that kept racing up and down my body every few moments when I realized again, and again, and again, that I was handcuffed.

You can read the full story at www.deviantart.com/bondagelover2/art/Video-Game-Bet-to-Slavery-965460661